Monday, December 2, 2013

Stock Exchange. Creeping upwards?

With the stock market steadily increasing, it seems that "faith" has allowed it to push past the wall reaching a record high in so many years. All major markets, S&P 500, Dow Industrial and NASDAQ have all pushed upward and show signs of improvement.

However, the post holiday season will truly be the determining factor of whether this improvement will be able to last.

I have even become optimistic about the market's turnaround. I have encouraged my parents to begin individual investments, in addition to their retirement funds, showing them that there is hope. Restrictions on the "average Joe" investor have hindered them from proceeding, I am however, hopeful.

Black Friday, while showed that people still enjoy the hustle of shopping, displayed a less than optimistic spending boom while people trampled over one another (as seen in my previous post).

If these improvements are to last, it is up to the American people to be smart with their money and save more than a negative percentage.

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