Monday, December 2, 2013

Beating out the National Security Agency

Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter are joining forces to battle the very real threat of the National Security Agency) and their invasion of privacy. All corporations are working frivolously to further encrypt their networks against hackers from the government. 

Both sides have validity to their missions. Respecting privacy is among the age old rights of the American people. We value our rights to do what we want, when we want, how we want without having someone look over our shoulder. On the other hand, can we really blame someone who wants to save us from ourselves?

We charge the government to keep us safe, from terrors, both national and international. With all the conspiracy theories, maybe 9/11 could have been prevented. Perhaps it is time to draft a new constitution. One that can cover some of the gray areas and give American's more peace of mind (that document would probably be thousands of pages long). 

That goes without saying that the populous of Europe does not seem to mind that they are constantly being watched. If having someone pick up your saliva after you spit on the ground is not invasion, then I am not sure what is. 

Accepting we cannot prevent this might be a mindset we need to adopt. This is not the eighteenth century anymore. We may need to accept that the old rules that once governed us are now outdated and need to be rewritten. 

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