Thursday, November 21, 2013

Immigrants. Citizens or Aliens

Ilegal Immigrants Divided

Illegal Immigrants are divided on feelings of citizenship as stated by a NY Times article. In years past, a topic of huge debate was whether or not to allow illegals to become citizens, or be deported. This drawn out discussion seems to have damaged the mentality of aliens. Concern has shifted from citizenship, to simply being allowed to stay and not constantly look over their shoulder.

There are positives and negatives about becoming a citizen. As a citizen, taxation laws will apply to them, which hinders an illegals ability to support their family, locally and abroad. Many who cross the boarder, come for the opportunity to work, making money for themselves and family members.

There is no winning side. Whatever is decided in the end will ultimately anger one party or another, or both. Illegal immigrants do live here, so should they be paying exactly what citizens do? It seems only fair. However, they may work much harder physically in one year than most of us will in three.

It is an endless discussion, ending in heartbreak for someone. 

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