Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stubborn Men. And Women

"Because we're right, simply because we're right," stated Republican Steve King stated in reply to Senator Harry Reid. My question today after last night's incident is, "Is the Republican party that stubborn that they would risk defaulting the government simply because they don't like Obamacare?" Is the future of the country worth risking hundreds of millions of jobs just so you can feel like you're in charge? The governments job is to serve its people, something they appear the need to be reminded of. Not being able to fulfill their obligations creates an awareness in the public that the government is not out for our better interests, but would only care to see what benefits them. While protesters picket with signs, accusing the government of acting like "children" they can only assume as much. Without knowledge of their thoughts on the issue, we remain ignorant to the situation.

Like all Americans, we're hoping for the best, but planning for the worst.

Boehner Speaks After Government Shutdown

Obama's Statement Before Government Shutdown

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