Sunday, October 27, 2013


Who to watch: Presidential Election 2014

Unbeknown to me, public opinion has finally caught up with the majority of the population. Tuesday's edition of USA Today had some interesting findings. After every major party failure, voter dismay increases, and public opinion rallies together.

Currently, 42% of the population states Congress would be better with a complete overhaul. 52% of the Republican and supporters want the entirety of their party to be replaced.

This is dangerous for the GOP. If they stand a chance at having a fighting chance in the 2014 election they better start making some decisions for the good of the people.

Fighting, not to woo the democrats, but to make some meaningful decisions for the good of mankind. Their concerns when passing reform should hold some precedence and actual importance in the world. Bickering will stop if they would ever like someone of their party in the Oval Office.

It's nice to finally see some unity among our middle and lower class. We are finally realizing that we make the decisions and control who is in office. A big wake up call, to the GOP and Democrats alike.

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