Wednesday, September 11, 2013

NYT: Obama Backs Idea for Syria to Cede Control of Arms

The article above written by the NY Times is the current news on Obama's position in Syria. It's proposal, by President Obama highlights efforts for international control of Syrian chemical arms. The questions arrises however, how honest will they truly be? We need to "maintain and move forward with a credible threat . . . [to] get the kind of agreement I would like to see" said President Obama. In a very simplistic idea, it is a reason for occupation of another nation. We must rally behind our president to once again, to retrieve weapons. While the event which happened in Syria is a travesty, is it truly our sole responsibility to respond to this? Could this not be placed on the shoulders of the United Nations, utilizing a shared military strategy? The real question is what is to be gained by policing a world before we help ourselves.

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